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Mentors form a very important aspect of the personal or professional growth of an individual. They show the way when their mentees require someone to show them the way. Mentors can be formally or informally placed in one’s life.

Forms of mentorship include welcoming and directing new members to a team, guiding those who are struggling or taking care of another person. Often, people think that teachers are 100% perfect. The truth is, they, too, need mentorship. Seeking to become a teacher mentor but don’t know where to start? Here’s what to focus on.


Respect is a two-way street. If the mentor gives respect, they’re likely to get it back. However, it takes time to develop respect. They say, ‘respect is earned, not demanded. Showing respect is not about mentees bowing down when the mentor arrives. Simple things like appreciating each other can go a long way.

For example, if there’s a new teacher in the team, it’s important to involve them in discussions. That will make them feel acknowledged and respected. Inviting them for lunch meetings, union meetings, or sending emails are acts that show respect.


Collaboration is important for everyone within the system. It includes helping others refine their ideas and working together to solve different issues. It benefits both the mentor and the mentee since everyone walks away with improved strategies and new ideas. Mentees don’t have to necessarily seek knowledge from the mentors. Everyone has something to learn from others.


Listening allows the mentor to get to know their mentees in a more personal way. Listening doesn’t have to be hearing the verbal cues. For example, great mentors can tell when their mentees are happy or stressed out. In addition, listening allows mentees and mentors to learn more about each other.


Great mentors help their mentees to grow in different ways by pushing them to think beyond average. However, this should be done cautiously to avoid judging or upsetting the mentee. It’s good to deliver criticism in a way that will not kill your mentee’s confidence. Mentors don’t have to deliver criticism directly. Sharing experiences can come in handy. For example, telling them about your past mistakes and what you learned from them can help mentee.

Final words

It doesn’t take rocket science to be a good teacher mentor. Being a good mentor requires patience, understanding, and dedication. The techniques mentioned above will go a long way to ensure teachers upgrade their mentoring skills.