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Learning is a continuous process requiring cognitive and behavioral engagement. Teachers need to design lessons that make students pay attention and get a quality education. Students get attached to certain activities emotionally, without employing mental concentration, allowing them to master a particular craft, knowledge, or skill.

Teachers and educators need to understand how to increase the students’ engagement cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. Let’s look at the critical strategies for involving students in their learning:

Foster competence

Competence is an essential trait in learning that helps students achieve and exceed their performance. When students effectively perform any activity, it boosts their morale, giving them the zeal to increase productivity.

Teachers and educators need to foster competence in students to encourage them to increase their levels of proficiency and understanding. With that, students enjoy learning and get to feel they are part of the equation.

Make lessons meaningful

People generally want to participate in meaningful activities. They want to be part of beneficial activities, to get satisfaction. The same applies to students. According to research, students want their learning sessions to be worth their time and effort.

When teachers make lessons meaningful, students engage satisfactorily. In addition, educators can relate to other students’ experiences to make the lessons personal and get the undivided attention of their students.

Develop positive relationships with students

Creating a positive relationship between students and teachers can be daunting. Yet, despite the challenges most educators go through, it is one of the best ways to get students engaged in their learning.

When teachers form close relationships with students, it makes them feel comfortable to open up on areas they feel challenged. In addition, the connection created with the positive association encourages students to display enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards learning.

Encourage mastery orientations

Mastery orientations involve students pursuing activities because they are eager to learn. They are not just after pleasing their parents with good grades but also understanding the concept being taught.

For teachers to encourage mastery orientations to performance orientations, they need to look at various approaches. For example, they can keep students’ grades private and recognize a student’s effort and improvement.

Final thoughts

Achieving total concentration of students when learning is a great challenge. However, the pointers above are some effective strategies for helping students be more productive.